
Friday, December 10, 2010

Survival Kit

Last night was fun.  After copious amounts of work, it was play time.  For those of you not in the know, "play time" consists of my good friend Dal and I lugging out the xbox controllers and getting our Left 4 Dead 2 on.  He plays Coach and I play Nick.  As an aside:  for those of you who have ever played L4D2, listen to the way Rochelle talks to Nick; she wants him, it's pretty clear.

Anyway, in between levels, we talked about this Living Social thing on facebook where you can make top 5 lists of various things.  I mentioned this one list I made where I listed the top 5 things I would need in a zombie apocalypse.  As another aside:  every quiz or whatever that I have taken about how long I would survive a zombie apocalypse, I always survive the longest amount possible, on the quiz.  My list should be edict.

With that being said, here is my list:
1.  Ammunition
 2.  Semi-Automatic Assault Rifle
 3.  Grenade Launcher
 4. Melee Weapon (I prefer machete's or a Katana)
 5. Handguns (Two, at least, and at least one having a flashlight mounted) 

If I made another list, I would sub in pipe bombs or molotovs for the grenade launcher but they serve a similar purpose and I feel like the grenade launcher offers more control.  Also, I enjoy a shotgun as much as the next girl but when you have dozens coming at you, the flare of an automatic weapon just offers a certain poetry, I think, that the shotgun just can't.

I hope you learned something from this.  Ammo is important so conserve it and go with melee whenever possible.  Always clear a room before you just go galivanting around, and probably the  most important:  stick with your group!  I can't really convey how annoying it is to be part of a group where everyone just goes off on their own.  It's annoying.  OH!  Aim high, also.  Head shots, people.  Central mass is instinct and works in video games but a head shot will seal the deal.

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