I believe in movie love; not romantic epic soul mate love. I think people expect love to be like it is in the movies or on TV. Romantic love should be 100% CONDITIONAL. No one is meant to be together. I believe people love one another but to try and compare it to a movie is basically saying it's a lie. Make your own love; don't steal it from Sleepless in Seattle.
I believe that not everyone is meant to have children (Facebook is a daily reminder). It doesn't mean you are being punished. Maybe you're meant to adopt. Or, maybe, some higher power out there knows that you would be the worst parent ever. Regardless, not everyone is meant for everything. It sucks and it's definitely a blow but thems the breaks.
I believe that everything has its own time. Not everything is meant to last forever. Maybe certain things just last as long as they need to to get you to the next phase in your life. Friendships and relationships end in their own time because you don't need them anymore. I've had friends that I thought would be friends forever but some people aren't bff material. Be grateful for the time you had and move on. Know when to back off and let it go.
I believe we will all have to answer for the things we've done. I've never met a nice person. Everyone has that side to them that is just mean. Some people are good at playing the victim so everyone believes they walk on water. Others are made to play the villain even though they are no more sinister than the so called angel. I don't recall a time when someone referred to me as nice. I don't claim to be. I never play the victim. I don't vie for sympathy and point the finger at others for how awfully they have treated me. I am aware of how I have treated people and I know what I have to answer for. Do you?
I believe that silence is golden. In most situations, I find that the best option is just to shut your mouth. Getting your opinion out is not the most important thing. Pick your battles. I have often gotten ahead of myself because I just have to have the last word. Having the last word isn't important, though. Being right doesn't matter. It's almost always better to just leave well enough alone.
I belive that you are right. People get so caught up in themselves and retelling things that have been retold to them. No one really knows much anymore. Keep your mouth shut more often than not , love is a choice not some movie trailer and most of all i love you!