
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Padfoot Recommends

I've decided to start a series of recommendations; every week, Padfoot will recommend 10 things to you.  Padfoot is my build-a-bear.  He is a wizard/magician/surgeon, obviously.  So here it is, the first "Padfoot Recommends."

1.  Johnny Flynn. 
Johnny Flynn is an English singer/songwriter.  He is amazing and I have been listening to him since his stuff become more widely available a few years ago. 

2.  The Southern Vampire Mysteries by Charlaine Harris.
Of course, we all watch True Blood.  I am finding out, however, that most of the people I know who watch the show have yet to read the books the series was based on.  People!  It's awesome.  It is HIGHLY worth the read.  Do it.

3.  Hummus.
Hummus is delicious.  It comes in so many varieties and it is stupid easy to make.  There is no reason to not at least try it.

4.  Pushing Daisies.
I started watching Pushing Daisies back in 2008 when it first started.  Unfortunately, it started during that awful writers strike and in spite of being a critics darling, it was canceled.  It is available online on Netflix, however, and is completely worth the watch.  It is whimsical and lovely and everyone I have talked into watching it has loved it.

5.  Whimsy.
Sam Spencers 'Bloom
I firmly believe that this world could use a bit more whimsy.  Don't you?

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Rules

A few years ago, I made a list of rules with two of my friends -- Holly and Jenny. We were a little tipsy and we used to be more awesome. We've mellowed and maybe even dulled. Holly rediscovered the list of rules and I have decided to share them with you. Some sound a bit repetitive and some probably won't make sense to you but, they are still good rules to implement.

1. Hos before bros.
2. Keep your shit clean.
3. It is perfectly acceptable to retrieve gum from the cleavage via your own tongue.
4. Airing it out is advised.
5. Chickity-check yourself before you wreck yourself.
6. Don't hate this cause you ain't this.
7. Stay fly.
8. Respect books.
9. Call your mom.
10. Above all else, remain sassy, classy + fabulous.
11. When it doubt, nap it out.
12. Don't hate.
13. Glitter.
14. Flip your hair to keep your cool.
15. Remember -- "Some people weren't likin' it!" *sassy head bob*
16. Say yes to plaid.
17. _____________________________________________.
18. Donuts.
19. Pay your taxes.
20. Pop, lock + drop it like it's hoooot. (quasi Snoop Dogg).
21. Giggity giggity.
22. Beware of cougars on the prowl.
23. Always leave your # for hot waiters.
24. Beauty rest.
25. Always check ingredients to make sure the booze is already in your mix before finalizing purchase.
26. "My bad" is always an acceptable apology.
27. Rounded corners.
28. Life is just a series of awkward moments, so don't take it too seriously.
29. Live it up, because you're already dying.
30. Christina Aguilera.
31. "Say what you need to say." -- John Mayer.
32. Chew w/ your mouth closed.
33. Don't talk w/ food in your mouth.
34. Use correct grammar.
35. Be cultured. Get a passport.
36. Sacred days. July 11, December 10, October 19.
37. Lead by example.
38. Appreciate a good robot.
39. Getcha head in the game.
40. Always have an outlet for your rage.
41. Always thank the writer.
42. Do not display dishonest affection.
43. Keep your feet soft.
44. Always moisturize/exfoliate.
45. Children should be seen + not heard.
46. Combine words when possible, to save time.
Ex: "fugly"
47. Cuddling may prevent cancer, so do it.
48. Bend + snap.
49. Always take your makeup off before bed.
50. Recognize.
51. Eat a burger.
52. All work + no play makes Jack a dull boy.
53. Take a mental health day.
54. Make up your own soundtrack.
55. Respect the sanctity of other people's personal mugs.
56. If you get the choice to sit it out or dance, dance.
57. Beware of emo boys bearing gifts.
58. Be soulful once a day.
59. Don't leave nasty-ass soup cans in the sink.
60. Don't show your Britney.
61. If it walks + talks like a whore, punch it in the throat.
62. Don't overdraw your bank account.
63. Use Q-tips.
64. Adopt a signature walk/power stance.
65. Many a false step is made by standing still.
66. Always wash your hands.
67. Never live the mauve lifestyle.
68. Chocolate. Do it.
69. Acknowledge your fears.
70. Find a way to rock leopard print.
71. Praise the lord.
72. Paint your toes.
73. Never stay for an appointment w/ someone who is more than 15 minutes late.
74. ________________________.
75. Pepper your conversion w/ movie quotes.
76. No excuses, play like a champion!

Go forth and be excellent to each other.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Sleepy Hollow

I just finished watching Sleepy Hollow.  I love that movie.  I remember when I was little -- long before this movie was ever made -- I thought Christopher Walken was Johnny Depps dad.


Today seems like as good a day as any to do more work in my bedroom.  It's a new bedroom so it's kind of a blank slate piled high with my clothes.  I need to get stuff done in here and make it look more like a bedroom as apposed to a stockroom.  Here's the rub, (English major, here... Shakespeare happens) I don't particularly feel well, today.  I started out the day all nauseous and headache-y and my back is still killing me.  No bueno.  None of the aforementioned feelings are conducive to manual labor; none motivate productivity.

I'm never home, anymore, and I think that is contributing to my deteriorating state.  It's hard to cook the food you want and need for yourself when you're not home.  It's hard to do the workouts and yoga you like and need to do when you're not home.  It's hard to keep to your regimented schedule when you're not home.  I love my friends and I love spending time with them, however, it is seeming to be a bit of a detriment to my health.  What I really need to do is find a balance between spending time with the people I care about and doing what is healthy and comfortable for me.  When I start school, next month, it will be even more paramount that I achieve some sort of balance.  Balance is important.  Balance is necessary.  Without balance, ... good gracious, I sound like a yogi.  I can't even take myself seriously, anymore.

Anyway, I guess I better get to getting on whatever I hope to accomplish, today.  I will leave you with some pertinent information on survival.  Threats are real... don't underestimate your enemy.  Be alert.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Turns out, I'm not crazy.  According to a very reliable source, my Hal, I am completely justified in my feelings.

Holly:  you have every right to blow up at what this bitch is doing, because she has insulted your space in the past, and now she's trying to creep up on it.

Homegirl knows what's up.  I love her.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


The last few days, I have just been so... bothered.  It's like everything upsets me or I'm slightly bummed at all times.  I don't even know how to explain it.  And no, it has nothing to do with PMS.  It's people.  People are upsetting me.

1. I get upset when I feel like someone is tainting or sullying something I like. If I don't happen to like that person, their mere association with something I like is enough to achieve that end. It may be childish but, so be it.

2.  I have been going through my picture files on my computer, lately.  In many of those folders there are pictures of my ex boyfriend.  I wouldn't say that the pictures make me sad.  I could never delete the pictures; they're mine and they're extremely important to me.  I think what bothers me about it is that we were unable to maintain a friendship.  I take part of the blame for that. That doesn't change, however, the fact that I lost my boyfriend and my best friend in one fell swoop and it feels like I'm the only one who cares; I'm the only one who mourned.  I still see him in things... like when I saw this, I was super suspicious.  Then I smacked myself in the face and told myself not to be so self-absorbed.

To this day, I can't watch Important Things With Demetri Martin because I promised I would always wait for him to watch the show.  Every episode sat on my DVR, unwatched, for over six months after we broke up.  The day I finally deleted them, I almost cried.  When he and I were together, I was harder and tougher.  Since we broke up, I'm more emotional.  I'm quieter.  I'm more patient.  I never yell.  I'm more sentimental.  I feel like now, I'm all those things he was trying to make me be.  Funny how things works out.

3.  I have had possibly the worst year of my life.  In December, my last living grandparent died and I had to go to Florida to clean out her house.  I spent my Christmas dealing with crematoriums and the VA cemetery in Tampa.  That same month, my step mother had to go into the hospital for surgery and she has been there ever since.  She and my father have since divorced.  Then in June, my dog Fifi died.

She was 15.  I had had her for 14 years.  One day she was fine, the next she couldn't walk, eat, drink, or hold her head up.  She just stared around and her eyes rolled.  The vet said she most likely had a brain tumor.  I held her while she died.  To this day, I still have the towel I had wrapped around her as we drove to the vet.  I can't wash it because then she'll be gone.  Her ashes sit on a shelf in my living room and since she died, my other dog Elvis has gone insane.

He self-mutilates which is basically the dog form of cutting.  My dog is emo.  I'm a failure as a dog parent.  Then I got really really sick and my liver stopped working the way it's supposed to.  I had to go through a miraid of tests and what have you.  I can't drink or take anything with Tylenol in it.  I'm 21 years old and on forced sobriety and after the year I've had, I could really use a beer.  I'm tired and bothered and I just want to curl up and watch b-horror movies and forget that my life is emptier now than it was a year ago.  And on top of all that, one of my roommates is stealing my milk.

I am done unloading my sob story on you.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

So Sore

I went to the SF zoo, yesterday.  It was fun.  Well, as much fun as walking around with a blister, an injured knee, and children can be.  I think the zoo would be a good first date, actually.  Think about it:  it's an actual activity, unlike going to a movie which does NOT encourage conversation; you can actually talk to someone and get to know them at a place like the zoo.  You can interact and laugh and point and whatever else.  Dinner and a movie is for established couples only, as far as I'm concerned.

Anyway.  I saw the giraffe's (or as I say, here-off-A), which is really all I cared to see.  Fun fact:  giraffe's sleep less than two hours a night.

I think perhaps my favorite part about being in San Fransisco is just being in the city.  I love the buildings; the architecture is beautiful.  Traffic is abhorrent but, I prefer to walk, anyway.

Next time I go to San Fransisco, it will more than likely be to see my dear sweet panda-puff, Nic, who now attends SFSU.  She's pretty and pretty presh.  I need to invest in a webcam so that we may skype -- like Oprah.  I miss her but I'm also kind of bursting with pride.  She's out on her own making a future for herself.  She's a brave person and she's tough as nails.  I've never seen her be anyone other than herself.  In the 10+ years I've known her, she's been genuine and supportive and I wouldn't change a thing about her.  She takes care of herself and doesn't depend on others to do things for her.  She's pretty much it.  She's also the one on the left.

I guess that's it.  I need to go stretch out my back and maybe take a nap.  I'm wicked sore.

Friday, August 20, 2010

SF Sandwich

I spent all day yesterday in San Fransisco helping my lady love move into her dorm at SFSU.  The weather was pristine; overcast, misty, and perfect for scarves.  That's right, I got to wear a scarf.  My red buffalo plaid inspired scarf to be precise.  Tomorrow I am going back to San Fransisco to go to the zoo for my cousins daughters first birthday.  I wonder which scarf I should use...  Hmmm.  This will take definite planning.  In the meantime, enjoy.

I found this in an article from Yahoo!  I have dedicated a significant portion of my life to preparing for an impending zombie apocalypse and I can't help but be a little miffed that zombies seem to be almost as in-vogue, now, as vampires.  If a zombie love story reminiscent of Twilight comes out, I'm writing my congressman.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday the 13th

I've never cared about Friday the 13th -- I still don't.  I do, however, acknowledge it.  Now that that's out of the way, I'll move on.

I'm kind of obsessed with the idea of Fall approaching.  Everything about it makes me excited.  My birthday is in Fall but that's unimportant.  What is important are scarves, jackets, hot beverages and gray skies.  As soon as full on Fall hits, I intend to make my way down to San Fransisco to enjoy all the lovelies mentioned above.  Until then, however, I will have to find my joy in these small treasures while I wait for Autumn to arrive.

Behold... the Daisy Buckled Boot from Forever21.  $27.80?  Yes, please.
I love this room!  Photo by Elisabeth Aarhus Hudson, found on


And in honor of wanting to go to the city, here's a picture I took one day:

I guess that's all for now.  I think I'll make a quiche.


Hi.  I'm Ashley.

Basically, this blog is in existence to service my need to display and promote what I find to be beautiful, interesting, paramount, or stupid.  I'll rant about whatever is bothering me and I'll gush over anything that has brought me joy. 

We'll start now:

I think we can all agree that not only is this adorable, it's also informative.  Long have I been at sea when it comes to drawing a zebra and now I feel like nothing can stand in my way.  Plus, I see no reason why the basic shape cannot apply to a horse or donkey should you ever have cause to draw one.  Just saying.